AfSU Building Diaspora Capabilities Conference

This sign up form is only for current UK-based university students. If you are a professional, please visit our dedicated application portal on

Dear guest,

Thank you for expressing your interest in participating in this conference on "building diaspora capability." This conference aims to investigate, from a youth-led perspective, how we can realise the importance of education, as well as how we can understand and develop our community’s socioeconomic status.

The conference will be on, and at:

Saturday, 22nd February 2025
King's College London, Bush House, Strand Campus, London

The conference dinner (for which tickets must be purchased separately on will be on, and at:

Saturday, 22nd February 2025
University College London (UCL), Main Campus

Our panels and roundtable discussions can all be found on Our list of speakers can also be found on the website.

Conference Information
This is a FREE conference, you do not need to pay to attend. 

If you wish to attend the conference dinner, however, you must purchase a ticket prior to attending. We have a limited capacity for attendees, and we encourage everyone to book tickets as early as possible.

If you're interested in attending the conference, please fill out the form below. You will NOT be able to attend unless you have filled out this form.
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Forename *
Surname *
Email Address *
This should be a university email address ending in '', or for Team AfSU members ending in ''
Are you a current UK-based university student? *
You must be a current student to fill out this form.
Confirmation *
The event will begin at 9am, please confirm you understand this and will aim to arrive for the scheduled start time.
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